micaela wakil janan the politics of desire no
... Janan , Micaela Wakil . The politics of desire : Propertius IV / Micaela Janan . p . cm . Includes bibliographical references ( p . ) and index . ISBN 0-520-22318-7 ( alk . paper ) —ISBN 0-520-22321-7 ( pbk . : alk paper ) 1. Propertius ...
micaela wakil janan the politics of desire no
This book is a must for anyone interested in Augustan poetry, literary theory, or contemporary psychoanalytic studies. The readings are rigorous, the scholarship meticulous, and the theoretical approach profoundly sophisticated.
micaela wakil janan the politics of desire no
... Political Unconscious . Ithaca , N.Y. JANAN , MICAELA . 1994. When the Lamp is Shattered : Desire and Narrative in Catullus . Carbondale , Ill . —2001 . The Politics of Desire : Propertius IV . Berkeley . JAUSS , HANS ROBERT . 1974 ...
micaela wakil janan the politics of desire no
... Micaela Wakil Janan , The Politics of Desire : Propertius IV ( Berkeley : University of California Press , 2001 ) , and Chi - ming Yang , Performing China : Virtue , Commerce , and Orientalism in Eighteenth - Century England , 1660-1760 ...
micaela wakil janan the politics of desire no
... Political Unconscious : Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act . Cornell University Press , 1981 . Janan , Micaela Wakil . The Politics of Desire : Propertius IV . University of California Press , 2001 . " When the Lamp is Shattered " : ...
micaela wakil janan the politics of desire no
... Janan , Micaela Wakil . The Politics of Desire : Propertius IV . The Joan Palevsky Imprint in Classical Literature . Berkeley : U of California P , 2001 . Jeffery , Arthur . The Foreign Vocabulary of the Qurān . Leiden : Brill , 2007 ...
micaela wakil janan the politics of desire no
4350. Janan , Micaela Wakil . " Devices of the Heart ' : Desire in the Poems of Catullus and the Son- nets of Shakespeare . " DAI , 49 ( 1988 ) , 811A ( Princeton ) . [ Argues that desire ( or eros ) provides the key to interp . both ...
micaela wakil janan the politics of desire no
... Wakil Janan , Micaela , The Politics of Desire : Propertius IV ( Berkeley : University of California Press , 2001 ) . Weinberg , Bernard , A History of Literary Criticism in the Italian Renaissance ( Chicago y London : University of ...
micaela wakil janan the politics of desire no
... Politics of Human Rights : A Global Perspective . Tony Evans . ( Human Security in the Global Economy Ser 196p . Dec ... Desire . Micela Wakil Janan , LC 99-55385.293 Dec. 2000. pap . 19.95 ( 0-520-22321-7 , Pub , by U CA Pr ) Cal Prin Full ...