This complete, one-stop lexicon of IP terminology helps you understand and apply the language of intellectual property in any situation.
This complete, one-stop lexicon of IP terminology helps you understand and apply the language of intellectual property in any situation.
This complete, one-stop lexicon of IP terminology helps you understand and apply the language of intellectual property in any situation.
Author Gader-Shafran, Rachel. Title Intellectual property law dictionary / Rachel Gader-Shafran. Imprint New York, N.Y. : Law Journal Press, 2004-2011.
Intellectual Property Law Dictionary. Profile image of Rachel Gader-Shafran MA, JD Rachel Gader-Shafran MA, JD. 2004. See full PDF downloadDownload PDF. Related ...
This complete, one-stop lexicon of IP terminology helps you understand and apply the language of intellectual property in any ...
This complete, onestop lexicon of IP terminology helps you understand and apply the language of intellectual property in any situation.
This complete, onestop lexicon of IP terminology helps you understand and apply the language of intellectual property in any situation.
The Intellectual Property Law Dictionary (Intellectual Property Series (Law Journal Press).) by Rachel Gader-Shafran · Ring-bound. $498.00$498.00. FREE delivery.
Intellectual property law dictionary / [Rachel Gader-Shafran]. Source. MARC. Language. Undetermined. Publisher. Law Journal Press; [LexisNexis] ...
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