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... Janan , Micaela Wakil . The Politics of Desire : Propertius IV . University of California Press , 2001 . " When the Lamp is Shattered " : Desire and Narrative in Catullus . Southern Illinois University Press , 1994 . Jazdzewska ...
micaela wakil janan "when the lamp is shattered" no
By bringing to the study of this major work of classical literature the themes of consciousness and desire dealt with in postmodern scholarship, Janan's book invites a new conversation among literary disciplines.
micaela wakil janan "when the lamp is shattered" no
Thebes in Ovid's Metamorphoses Micaela Wakil Janan. HINDS , STEPHEN . 1998. Allusion and Intertext . Cambridge ... When the Lamp is Shattered : Desire and Narrative in Catullus . Carbondale , Ill . —2001 . The Politics of Desire ...
micaela wakil janan "when the lamp is shattered" no
This book is a must for anyone interested in Augustan poetry, literary theory, or contemporary psychoanalytic studies. The readings are rigorous, the scholarship meticulous, and the theoretical approach profoundly sophisticated.
micaela wakil janan "when the lamp is shattered" no
This book is a must for anyone interested in Augustan poetry, literary theory, or contemporary psychoanalytic studies. The readings are rigorous, the scholarship meticulous, and the theoretical approach profoundly sophisticated.