Micaela W. Janan CV. Professor of Classical Studies. Classical Studies · Box 90103, Durham, NC 27708-0103. 233 Allen Bldg ...
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Professor Janan is amazing, and incredibly smart. The class (CLST 204) requires a lot of outside reading and heavy interpretation of the works.
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Selected Publications · 'In the name of the father': Ovid's Theban law · The Father's Tragedy: Assessing Paternity in Statius, Silvae 2.1 · AUGUSTAN ELEGY.
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Janan, Micaela. 2009. Reflections in a Serpent's Eye: Thebes in Ovid's Metamor- phoses. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Jauss, Hans. 1982. Toward an ...
Janan, Micaela. 2009. Reflections in a Serpent's Eye: Thebes in Ovid's Metamor- phoses. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Jauss, Hans. 1982. Toward an ...
... Micaela Janan and David Wray offered many helpful observations on the shape and presentation of the project as a whole. Claudia Arno provided crucial ...
Janan, Micaela. 2009. Reflections in a Serpent's Eye: Th phoses. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Jauss, Hans. 1982. Toward an Aesthetic of Reception. Tran.
Janan, Micaela Wakil (1957 - ). [Info] Politics of Desire: Propertius IV ... [X-Info] Trippings in author-land (Paine & Burgess, 1846) (page images at ...
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Janan, Micaela. 1988. “The Book of Good Love? Design versus Desire in Metamorphoses 10.” Ramus 17 (2): 110-37.
... Janan B; McDowell, Erin N; Martin, Kayla A; Gaido, Kevin W; Johnson, Kamin J. 2012-01-01. Background: In utero exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals may ...