Varbūt vēlējāties sameklēt: author: Mary A. Man
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... MAN .... MARY E. MANN BERNARD CAPES EDEN PHILLPOTTS DOROTHEA GERARD PERCY WHITE NO RUBBISH FINDS A PLACE . Messrs ... IN Author of " Two Rolling Stones in Japan . " Illustrated with Drawings by H. J. Engel Terzi . Demy 8vo , price ...
inauthor: Mary A. Mann no
... Author of Dodo and I. ' 2 vols . CHAPMAN & HALL'S NEW BOOKS . TWO SUMMERS ... in Author of ' Queenie , ' ' Orange Lily , ' & c . 3 vols . " This latest ... MARY E. MANN , Author of ' A Lost Estate , ' & c . In 3 vols . crown 8vo ...
inauthor: Mary A. Mann no
... Author of Dodo and I. ' 2 vols . CHAPMAN & HALL'S NEW BOOKS . TWO ... in Author of ' Queenie , ' ' Orange Lily , ' & c . 3 vols . " This latest ... MARY E. MANN , Author of A Lost Estate , ' & c . In 3 vols . crown 8vo . BY ...
inauthor: Mary A. Mann no
... in author catalog . Rule 8b . For biography of Napoleon 1 , emperor of ... in author catalog . Rule 8b . For biography of Carlyle , T : 1795-1881 ... Mann , Mrs. 923.77L992 Lyon , Mary . Fiske . 43. Yellow card for criticism ...
inauthor: Mary A. Mann no
... in author's possession , n.d. ) , 8 . 9. Ward and Greer , Richmond during the Revolution , 74-88 ; Sylvia Frey ... Mary Mann Page Newton , Colonial Virginia : A Paper Read Before the Historical Congress at Chicago , July 13 , 1893 ...
inauthor: Mary A. Mann no
... in author's possession . ) 11. Temper disputes . 12. Although this seems to refer to property in Orford , William sold everything in 1823. " A Deed by Wm . & Mary H. Mann Darby to Asa Sartwell of Charlestown , New Hampshire . " $ 3,000 ...
inauthor: Mary A. Mann no
The History of Mathematics at Greenwich Raymond Flood, Tony Mann, Mary Croarken. 34 The diary extracts in this ... in author's possession . Another copy is deposited in the Royal Greenwich Observatory Archives held in Cambridge ...
inauthor: Mary A. Mann no
... Mary E. Mann Phillips Oppenheim M. E. Francis L. G. Moberly Fox Russell Howel Evans Etc. And a Long Complete Novel ... in author biographies or discussions of popular fictional characters the degree of coverage is superficial at ...
inauthor: Mary A. Mann no
... Mary's , Horace Mann ( N. Y. ) ; in . AUTHOR : Albert Rhys Williams , Jan. 9 , 1923 . The Mullah's Third Wife ; Ivan the Ikon Painter ; Worlds Apart . Contributor to Daily Herald , Kinematograph Weekly ( London ) , Game and Gossip ...
inauthor: Mary A. Mann no
... University Press , 1928 . 307 p . illus . ( University of London ... in . Author's autograph presentation copy . Signed . 1. Manchester Medical ... MANN , HORACE , 1796-1859 MANN , Mary Tyler ( Peabody ) 1806-1887 Life of ...