Marjut Salokannel (LL.D. docent) specialises in fundamental rights-related issues with regard to using sensitive personal data. She has also conducted research ...
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Counseling in copyright law, intellectual property, science and technology, public policy, legal issues relating to building international data infrastructures.
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Marjut Salokannel. Research Director. Verified email at Privacydata protectioncopyrightshealth datafundamental rights.
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No photo of Marjut Salokannel. Marjut Salokannel. Title of Docent, Faculty of Law; Research Director, Sociology. Phone+358503204155, +358294124755; Emailmarjut ...
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This book has come into being as a result of years of work in the audiovisual sector, both at the academic and professional level. My goal has been to.
Charges of $1,000–$1,500 U.S. dollars in author fees to publish in an ... Marjut Salokannel, 2003, Global Public Goods and Private Rights: Scientific ...
Marjut Salokannel docent joined us to discuss the topic, Managing the legal, regulatory and ethical implications of sharing and using data. “In Finland at the ...
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2021. gada 1. okt. · ... Marjut Salokannel, Alain Strowel and Estelle Derclaye, 'Study contract concerning moral rights in the context of the exploitation of works ...
Lai rādītu visatbilstošākos rezultātus, esam izlaiduši dažus ierakstus, kas ir ļoti līdzīgi jau parādītajiem ierakstiem (10). Ja vēlaties, varat atkārtot meklēšanu, ietverot izlaistos rezultātus.
Atbildot uz sūdzību, ko saņēmām saskaņā ar ASV Digitālās tūkstošgades autortiesību likumu, no šīs lapas noņēmām 1 rezultātu(-us). Ja vēlaties, varat izlasīt šo sūdzību vietnē