Hans Küng's Global Ethic Project and Beyond Aleksi Kuokkanen. 1978b Idea Christi. Idealistinen ajattelumuoto ja ... in author's position.] Jeyaraj, Daniel 1998 Glaubenspluralismus und Weltverantwortung in Südindien. Eine Christliche ...
... Hans Küng, accused Benedict XVI of 'serious errors of fact and judgement'.34 The wave of Muslim outrage triggered by ... IN: Author House, 2011). suppression of Islamism, proved unable to generate such an interruption. 2O The ...
... in author's possession . 24. Ibid . 25. Ibid . 26. Oropesa , interview by Gallardo , March 3 , 1995 , San Jose ... Hans Kung , who wrote , All Christians are taught and led and supported by the Spirit directly , without mediation ...
An Answer for Today Hans Kung. emancipation . The latter was by no means a movement of apostasy from the Christian ... in author- ity ; the strongest European intellectual movement since the Reformation ; the expression of a new ...
... Küng , Hans . Justification : The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection . London : Burns and Oates , 1964 ... in author's possession . Litwa , M. David . We Are Being Transformed : Deification in Paul's Soterilogy ...
... in Author Catalogue . Gas analyst's Abady , Jacques . nanual ( incorporating ... kung zu M. E. Heibergs gleichnamiger Arbeit . Zs . Elektroch . , Halle , 9 ... Hans . dem Gebiete der Gasometrie bezw . Gas- ChemZtg , messung und ...
... in Author Catalogue . 54 citronensäure . ( Ostwald's Klassiker der ... Hans . Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Gasometrie bezw . Gas- messung und ... kung zu M. E. Heibergs gleichnamiger Arbeit . Zs . Elektroch . , Halle , 9 ...