Hans Küng's Global Ethic Project and Beyond Aleksi Kuokkanen. 1978b Idea Christi. Idealistinen ajattelumuoto ja ... in author's position.] Jeyaraj, Daniel 1998 Glaubenspluralismus und Weltverantwortung in Südindien. Eine Christliche ...
... in author's possession . 24. Ibid . 25. Ibid . 26. Oropesa , interview by Gallardo , March 3 , 1995 , San Jose ... Hans Kung , who wrote , All Christians are taught and led and supported by the Spirit directly , without mediation ...
... Hans Küng, accused Benedict XVI of 'serious errors of fact and judgement'.34 The wave of Muslim outrage triggered by ... IN: Author House, 2011). suppression of Islamism, proved unable to generate such an interruption. 2O The ...
An Answer for Today Hans Kung. emancipation . The latter was by no means a movement of apostasy from the Christian ... in author- ity ; the strongest European intellectual movement since the Reformation ; the expression of a new ...
... Küng, Hans. Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection. London: Burns and Oates, 1964 ... in author's possession. Litwa , M. David . We Are Being Transformed : Deification 93.
... in Author Catalogue . Gas analyst's Abady , Jacques . nanual ( incorporating ... kung zu M. E. Heibergs gleichnamiger Arbeit . Zs . Elektroch . , Halle , 9 ... Hans . dem Gebiete der Gasometrie bezw . Gas- ChemZtg , messung und ...
... in Author Catalogue . 54 citronensäure . ( Ostwald's Klassiker der ... Hans . Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Gasometrie bezw . Gas- messung und ... kung zu M. E. Heibergs gleichnamiger Arbeit . Zs . Elektroch . , Halle , 9 ...