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Design. My mission in life is to be able to design anything from a door handle to a city. So far: buildings, interiors & set designs as an architect and ...
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David Ian Galbraith, Douglas Chambers, John Evelyn Hardcover, 1,328 पन्ने, प्रकाशित 2014 द्वारा University Of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division
David Ian Galbraith, Victoria College, University Of Toronto Hardcover, 312 Pages, Published 2000 by University Of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division
David Galbraith has 18 books on Goodreads with 98 ratings. David Galbraith's most popular book is unleashing greatness.
Neietver: inauthor: Ian
Ian Galbraith, Lennox Partners, University of Notre Dame - Mendoza College of Business, About, Strategic leader with over 13 years of experience.
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Neietver: inauthor: David
2012. gada 14. jūn. · Professor David Galbraith (University of Toronto) describes the challenges of editing John Evelyn's letterbook while also situating it ...
Neietver: Ian | Rādīt rezultātus ar:Ian
David is a biologist who has 27 years of experience in not-for-profit and conservation organizations. He has been the Executive Director and Curator of a small ...
Neietver: Ian | Rādīt rezultātus ar:Ian