Office of Technology Assessment - Wikipedia wiki Office_of_Technology_Assessm...
The Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) was an office of the United States Congress that operated from 1974 to 1995.
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Citi jautājumi
What does the Office of Technology Assessment do?
Why was the Office of Technology Assessment disbanded?
What is the technology assessment in the United States?
What is the Office of Technology Evaluation?
The Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) was established to examine issues involving new or expanding technologies, to assess their impacts, to...
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Overview: The Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) is a nonpartisan analytical support agency that serves the U.S. Congress. The Office was authorized in 1972, ...
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OTA released over 750 studies on an impressive range of topics, including the environment, national security, health, and social issues.
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A bill to rename the Office of Technology Assessment as the Congressional Office of Technology, to revise the functions and duties of the Office, and for other ...
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The OTA Archive contains all the formally issued reports of the Office of Technology Assessment, as well as many background papers and contractor papers, over ...
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2021. gada 10. febr. · Bringing back a reconstituted US Office of Technology Assessment would offer an organizational mechanism to address tech problems and provide legislators with ...
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This bill renames and revises the functions and duties of the Office of Technology Assessment which, composed of a Technology Assessment Board and a director, ...
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The Energy and Commerce Committee is at the forefront of all issues and policies powering America's economy, including our global competitive edge in energy, ...
Lai rādītu visatbilstošākos rezultātus, esam izlaiduši dažus ierakstus, kas ir ļoti līdzīgi jau parādītajiem ierakstiem (9).
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