... public utility district or private corporation for lease, use. operation or purchase of facilities. Joint. Memorials. Introduced. in. Senate. Tuesday. S. J. M. 17 Zednlck (R), Seattle Memorializes congress to act favorably on uu ...
... Committee of Arrangements, the multitude cheered to the echo. His presence ... grounds. The invited guests took ppats on me platform, and the'. Interested ... public assemblage, but Mr. Tiffany's conception of it as to emphasis ...
... Senate Tuesday S. B. 387 Nunamaker (D), BelllnKbam: less (D), Burlen Excludes from credl n state retirement system service In anv other public agency which was used to establish benefits In other public retirement system. S B. 388 ...
... public are turning their attention to Sotfe. py g to prevent their recurrence in the fuPast experience has fatally shown us ali the appliances that we can command fully protect the compact portion Main street. But ffiere 15 a plan, w ...
... house cleaning has jnst got well DAMAGE DONE ONE BY LAST WEEK'S the big ... United States is still open to amendthat there was money enough to buy the quarday. on the logs when the accident occurred. here for a week's visit. May 2. Edith J.
... public faith. ;-for under no circumstances will the State of Kew York ever ... States. . The Canal Board have very recently memoralized Congress for the ... United ed States; is $4,01£5fc-rs'in Ag' received ved for re yeuue Js ...
... House. Tho fare has been p!acc>l at Sli 50. . r;z*>-tv«ki Mr? It- W. Laird ... United Statea District Court, at Chicagu CONCERT. The concert which took ... buildings. buildings. stibpitinn, expressing anxiety at the fact that ...
... United Hie Press Chinese stutt Army correspond- con- lated 3. Douilmitlim ... states and n. *_.-,. » ruling The earlier board's this (IrHslon week folMwwl ... committee, and retlonnllsts were driving urgently to it blnsted its way ...