... of the interstate highway pro- gram will be drastically reduced the federal gasoline tax is not increased by 1% cents a gallon. The President yesterday re- eased a table prepared by the Bureau of Public Roads ... in author- zed apportionment ...
... state in the palace of the former Spanish senate -now seat of the National ... in author! »» ii. ,es in- i»>iii drtfuiuuiiia w/iui ji. youngstown, St ... Bureau of Public Roads for 34 ciaro, 81, of 226 Sexton St. died Canada and ...
... road bonds tne govei71or said: «xhe highways of the state are now used almost exclusively by automo- tlve vehicles. The man for whose service good roads exjst should foot the bms He shoujd not draw taxpayers of smaller means to pay for ...
... of the Order. SCnANTON. Pa., Fob. 5. Fred A. lllnes of Los Angeles, Cal ... department of the Stadium high ... public revenue, S. B. 2ftS McMillan; establishing secondary highway from Meyers Falls o Davenport; to committee on roads ...
... road from the board of c< mmixsioiier*. embracing a list of parsons recently appointed members of the fire department ... public nu:- was read and referred to the ... in author- izingtbe gtbe publication for a loan of S50D,000, for the ...
... public road to Bell'* Cross roads, Jones' Store across Knight'* branch to ... United States n*vy and 27 officers and men if the British navy met' death ... in author- September itg rc^ar- 26thi meeting 1921, at-Spotsylva- on ...
... Us predecessors and Tho ambition ot Miss Tlwlh Kich ' which did not exist before tho days contemporaries Every normal ols is a worthy one. no doubt; she ' of the hard-surfaced roads and American loves v. ild bo the first woman lo make I ...
... United to England, However, States of Mr. the our Joseph return AmbassaI. to ... road, However, the North the crack Coast train Limited, of wns Ihc ... bureau, tho public health service, latest ono iu off the press. other day ...
... office, appointment or employment In or under tbe government of the United States, or of this stale (Pennsylvania), or militia service of the slale; nor shall any election officer ho eugl- blo lo any civil office to be filled at an ...