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inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
... chemistry, as well as in author and translator nf many works on that subject, Kdgnr Falts 'Smith gained wldesprend popularity n.-f provost of tho University of Pennsylvania fnr 10 years. Ills Hover-falling Interest In his stn- louts ...
inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
... Administration, said Monday the "do-it-yourself" approach to public housing ... United States. WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Joe Pool, D-Tex., has demanded that ... in author William Manchester's book, calling the volume "a dastardly ...
inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
... In the work required for the Women's W oliibliouuc. The meeting was at tho ... Science." and sho discussed "Tho MfanliiB of Science." Other tnplri ... bureau In Kansas City for three years, and taught In tho political science ...
inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
... in author ho hnd extensive acquaintance with fllstltiffulslifld men many ... agency, a •business stilt conducted by one of his brothers. At twenty-two ... United States," Issued In 1RSO at a cost of $100,000. He went personally ...
inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
... States in connmf moration of the Centennial 0- th> N-ition. The Governme.r't aod people ot the United ... Bureau, certain wild bands of the Sioux Indian JNation, and in preserving ... Chemistry, Botany and Entomology. This report, by ...
inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
... division of social science, and history, talks with F.rncst Hiv (center) ... of the Washington Elementary School Principals' association; Bill Johnston*, Fort Benton, Mont.; Miss Rita M. Ilunsnn. state ... in author of a much discussed ...
inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
... of the Women Making History essay contest. The competition was sponsored by the Women's Division of the Ohio Bureau ... state entered the essay contest, conducted annually since 1993 iri ... science, government, and communications ...
inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
... In the list Pulitzer winners, having won 1924 and 1030. He Is 62, a native of San Francisco. Studied at Harvard and Dartmouth, and has taught at Plnkerton Academy, Dewy, N. H., the New Hampshire State ... Chemistry of Personality." William L.
inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
Faith in Author sees Lincoln as the most religious. 0. By GARY McMULLEN NYT ... United States. It's an act of religious symbolism he shares with all 41 ... science and author of "Landmarks of American Presidents: A Traveler's Guide ...
inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
... of the Order. SCnANTON. Pa., Fob. 5. — Fred A. lllnes of Los Angeles, Cal ... science department of the Stadium high school and for 'many years prominent ... state powur. to lease tide landa for metal mining. D, B. No. 302 ...