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inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
... United States that has developed a Double Arc Lamp (4 carbons) of this power at a price so low that it is within the ... Division, Keene Chemical Co., Inc., 200 East 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. MAIL COUPON NOW! - SUN LAMP __ ...
inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
... AGENCY DEPARTMENT 820 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60605. *FOOTNO1 ES CQfiHSIHJVSTl POUR 0*0, SIGH. by ... UNITED STATES. • Who are the Blacks on major corporate boards? • What are the buying patterns of middle income ...
inauthor: United States. Bureau of Chemistry no
... administration. A set period is allotted to each subject and the subjects are usually quite unrelated to each other — history of the United States may be studied in one period, the geography of South America in another, percentage in a ...