Robert Gentleman (statistician) - Wikipedia wiki Robert_Gentleman_(statistician)
Robert Clifford Gentleman (born 1959) is a Canadian statistician and bioinformatician who is currently the founding executive director of the Center for ...
I have been working on drug discovery and development using computational methods and
· Location: Weston. 500+ connections on LinkedIn.
Roberts Klifords Džentlmens ir kanādiešu statistiķis un bioinformātiķis, kurš pašlaik ir Hārvardas Medicīnas skolas skaitļošanas biomedicīnas centra dibinātājs. Iepriekš viņš bija 23andMe skaitļošanas bioloģijas viceprezidents. Vikipēdija (angļu valodā)
Dzimšanas datums un/vai vieta: 1959. g. (vecums 65 gadi)
Apbalvojumi: Benjamin Franklin Award
Izglītība: The University of British Columbia (1979. g.1984. g.) un Vašingtonas Universitāte
Robert Gentleman, Ph.D. - Scorpion Therapeutics our-team robert-gentleman-ph-d
An accomplished statistician and bioinformatician, Dr. Gentleman is one of the creators of the R programming language and a founder of the Bioconductor project, ...
2024. gada 25. okt. · Robert Gentleman, Ph.D., is a prominent statistician and bioinformatician widely recognized for his significant contributions to statistical computing and ...
Canadian statistician Robert Gentleman (1959), it's bioinformatics. That is to say devising methods and software to better understand biological data.
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions Using R and Bioconductor (Statistics for Biology and Health). 2005th Edition. ISBN-13: 978 ...
Executive Director, Center for Computational Biomedicine, Harvard University.
2020. gada 13. jūl. · Harvard Medical School has named Robert Gentleman as founding executive director of the newly established Center for Computational ...
According to our current on-line database, Robert Gentleman has 3 students and 3 descendants. We welcome any additional information.