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Arts & Sciences Council approves new writing and rhetoric minor, discusses proposed Trinity curriculum changes
Duke Chronicle
In a 26-1 vote, council members approved the writing and rhetoric minor, which aims to cultivate understanding of and practice in the...
Pirms 11 mēnešiem
The Politics of Desire by Micaela Janan - Paper
University of California Press
In The Politics of Desire, Micaela Janan radically reassesses Propertius' last elegies, using contemporary psychoanalytic theory to illuminate these...
Pirms 4 mēnešiem
The Politics of Desire: Propertius IV: 9780520223219: Janan, Micaela: Books
In The Politics of Desire, Micaela Janan radically reassesses Propertius' last elegies, using contemporary psychoanalytic theory to illuminate these...
Pirms 103 mēnešiem
The Book of Good Love? Design Versus Desire in Metamorphoses 10
Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Much attention has been paid recently to the role of individual narrators within the Metamorphoses. Whereas it was once considered adequate...
Pirms 126 mēnešiem
The Ohio State University Press
The Ohio State University Press
Richard J. King analyzes this exilic incompletion as inviting the citizen male reader into what he calls an angular or skewed viewpoint.
Pirms 20 mēnešiem
The Politics of Desire
California Digital Library
Shadow of a Doubt: Framing the Subject in the Gallus Poems · expand section, 3. The Ethics of Evil: Arethusa to Lycotas (4.3) · expand section, 4.
Pirms 232 mēnešiem
Year in Review
Duke University
At the end of each school year, our faculty and graduate students look back to reflect on highlights professional and personal that occurred...
Pirms 22 mēnešiem
Reflections in a Serpent's Eye: Thebes in Ovid's Metamorphoses: 9780199556922: Janan, Micaela: Books
Ovid's extraordinary story of Thebes' founding and bloody unravelling spans two books of his epic poem, the Metamorphoses. His bizarre refractions of the...
Pirms 103 mēnešiem
When the Lamp is Shattered Desire and Narrative in Catullus
Google Books
Micaela Janan contends that since unsatisfied desire structures both the experience of reading Catullus as well as its subject matter, critical interpretation...
Pirms 89 mēnešiem
The Ghosts of the Past
The Ohio State University Press
Dufallo shows how the Roman dead are used as guarantors of authority when all the longstanding cultural institutions of Rome were in violent upheaval.
Pirms 20 mēnešiem