2019. gada 25. apr. · A reading of the English translation of Ancient Roman poet Gaius Valerius Catullus ... Ilgums: 1:07 Publicēts: 2019. gada 25. apr.
2008. gada 29. aug. · His agony still burns after 20 centuries, caused by the faithless and wanton mistress that he ... Ilgums: 1:47 Publicēts: 2008. gada 29. aug.
2019. gada 15. maijs · A reading without music of the English translation of Gaius Valerius Catullus' (84 54 ... Ilgums: 1:15 Publicēts: 2019. gada 15. maijs
2024. gada 12. apr. · First up is Catullus, a victim of erratically requited love.. . #TTPA File 1: Name: Gaius ... Ilgums: 5:35 Publicēts: 2024. gada 12. apr.
2020. gada 5. janv. · LibriVox volunteers bring you 13 different recordings of To Lesbia by Caius Valerius ... Ilgums: 14:54 Publicēts: 2020. gada 5. janv.
2014. gada 9. janv. · The Roman love poet Catullus wrote passionate poems about his tempestuous relationship ... Ilgums: 32:16 Publicēts: 2014. gada 9. janv.
2021. gada 5. apr. · The Dark Lord of the Sith is at it again, this time regaling us with a reading of the most notoriously ... Ilgums: 1:13 Publicēts: 2021. gada 5. apr.