As the story unfolds, the historical account is interwoven with the author's own experiences of learning the principles through which we can bring about this integration in ourselves and in society.
This book collects the posts of a blog that Chris Clarke maintained from summer 2016 until his death in March 2019, in which he set out to explore the themes of 'Wisdom' and 'Isness'.
This book tells the tale of the illustrious Royal Air Force career of Tom Clark, a World War Two gunner and post-war signaller in action during some of the most pivotal events of the twentieth century.
Whether you are a new trainer or an in-house topic expert who is unexpectedly "invited" to share your knowledge and expertise, this book is the perfect short course on classroom skills.
Walking With Zeke is a moving naturalist's journal about an aging dog, the people who loved him, and the wildlife-filled neighborhood in which he spent his last months.