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inauthor: Chris Clarke no
... Clarke , Dudley , Papers , Imperial War Museum . Eldredge , H. Wentworth , Papers , privately held , copies in author's ... Christopher ] , Report on Controlled Enemy Agents in 21 Army Group Area During Period July 1944 to May 1945 , in ...
inauthor: Chris Clarke no
... Chris . Depth Charge ! Mines , Depth Charges and Underwater Weapons , 1914-1945 . Barnsley : Pen and Sword Military ... Clarke , Jeffrey J. Southern France 15 August - 14 Sep- tember 1944. U.S. Army Center of Military His- tory ...
inauthor: Chris Clarke no
... Clarke-Stewart, Alison Coan, Chris Coan, Jim Confabulations Confrontation with abuser Courage to Heal, The (Bass ... in author's discussions with Ellen Bass and media backlash on Carol Tavris on Defense mechanisms Delayed-discovery ...
inauthor: Chris Clarke no
... in author's possession. 4. William Mackintire Salter, “Ethical Religion,” in Salter, W. L. Sheldon, and S. B. ... Clarke, 1918), 1:206. Hill, Rev. William Salter, 607. 10. On liberal theology and the West, see William R. Hutchison ...
inauthor: Chris Clarke no
... Clarke and Charlotte Endymion Porter : Literary Criticism in Author Country a Century Ago Alison Booth 203 10 Transatlantic Reception and Commemoration of the ' Poet of the Scotch ' , Robert Burns Christopher A. Whatley 11 Loving ...
inauthor: Chris Clarke no
Chris Atton. Gauntlett , David ( 1996 ) Video Critical : Children , the Environment and Media Power , Luton : John ... Clarke , John and Roberts , Brian ( 1978 ) Policing the Crisis : Mugging , the State , and Law and Order , London ...
inauthor: Chris Clarke no
... Christopher's father Quoted from a letter in the author's possession . 143 " We're rich , " they said Stephen Bates , " Secretive Sect ... author's possession . 159 Meanwhile they told Brethren Alan Clarke , The Compliance NOTES 307.
inauthor: Chris Clarke no
... in author's possession ) Burke , Peter , The French historical revolution . The ' Annales ' school , 1929-89 ( Oxford , 1990 ) Büsch , Otto , Militärsystem und ... Clarke , Peter F. , ' Political history in the 354 Bibliography.
inauthor: Chris Clarke no
... Chris Williams, Andrew Edwards. showed 'inadequate premises', 'lack of space' and 'inefficient site layout' to be the ... Clarke, 'Redundancy, resistance and the community', in Gary Craig, Marjorie Mayo and Nick Sharman (eds), Jobs ...
inauthor: Chris Clarke no
... Clarke's theologies has placed him closer to the Trinitarians than he has traditionally been thought to be , but ... Chris- tian Temper : Being Thirty - Eight Sermons Upon the Principal Heads of Practical Religion , 2 vols . , 5th ...