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Gene C. Bowen Obituary 2024
Indiana Funeral Care
Gene C. Bowen, 83, of Greencastle, Indiana passed away at 11:20pm on Monday, August 5, 2024, at Ascension St. Vincent in Indianapolis,...
Pirms 5 mēnešiem
Judy Janeen Bowen Obituary 2020
Indiana Funeral Care
Judy Janeen Bowen, age 79, of Greencastle, Indiana passed away at 12:30 am on Saturday, January 25, 2020 at her residence surrounded by family.
Pirms 59 mēnešiem
I Found It at the Watkinson! » Blog Archive » War of 1812 Naval accounts
Trinity College
This work is a direct account for all reports between the United States and Great Britain navy during the War of 1812.
Pirms 154 mēnešiem
Faneuil Hall, the Underground Railroad, and the Boston Vigilance Committees
National Park Service (.gov)
Faneuil Hall also served as an important gathering space for public dissent and organized resistance to slavery and the fugitive slave laws of the country.
Pirms 51 mēneša
Olivia Bowen says her 'hormones are everywhere' after emotional day with newborn son
The Mirror
Olivia Bowen and husband Alex Bowen - who met on Love Island in 2016 - welcomed their first child, Abel Bowen, earlier this month,...
Pirms 31 mēneša
Rufus Porters Curious World: Art and Invention In America, 1815-1860
Antiques And The Arts Weekly
BRUNSWICK, MAINE - Detailing the life and works of Rufus Porter (1792-1884), the Bowdoin College Museum of Art presents "Rufus Porter's...
Pirms 61 mēneša
Eldreds Hits High-Water Mark With Kobacker Scrimshaw Collection
Antiques And The Arts Weekly
Topping the two-day sale was this scrimshaw tooth attributed to the Naval Monument Engraver. Estimated at $20/30,000 and from the Kobacker...
Pirms 77 mēnešiem
Engravings in The Old Farmer's Almanac: Front Cover
The Old Farmer's Almanac
History of th engraving of The Old Farmer's Almanac cover, featuring Ben Franklin and Robert B. Thomas and the four seasons.
Pirms 38 mēnešiem
The Title Pages
The Old Farmer's Almanac
The history of artin the form of wood engravingsof The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Pirms 10 mēnešiem
Engravings in The Old Farmer's Almanac: Calendar Pages
The Old Farmer's Almanac
These rectangular wood engravings, full of figures at work and play, each show a rural activity appropriate for the time of year.
Pirms 38 mēnešiem