An invaluable resource to all those involved in advising or litigating matters of state aid, from lawmakers to regulators, lawyers, economists and courts.
With extensive COVID-19 commentary throughout, the 6th edition reviews the impact of newly adopted measures such as the updated Recovery Notice 2019 and the Commissions "fitness check".
This second edition provides a thorough and up-to-date explanation of how capacity mechanisms work, their market implications, and the possible consequences for the European internal electricity market.
This collection represents a considerable testament to the range and depth of Peter PlompenÆs expertise, his unique contribution to the development of European and national competition law.
This text has been updated to include all the major developments since the first edition, it includes commentary on specific sectors such as energy and transport. The work includes narrative on issues relating to state aids in the EU.
In this study, Hancher provides one of the first comprehensive analyses of the regulatory systems in France and the United Kingdom, with particular focus on safety, control of price, profit, and promotional restrictions.
Présentation de l'éditeur : "This fourth edition incorporates the numerous changes since the previous edition in 2011; including an entirely reworked section on anti-competitive agreements and practices, an update of all new merger ...
The new edition is an essential reference work for all practitioners and academics in the area. It has established itself as the leading work on competition and energy.