The story follows Carruthers, a central authority professional in London, who is invited by using his pal Davies for a crusing experience along the German North Sea coast.
Robert Erskine Childers was the author of the influential novel The Riddle of the Sands and an Irish nationalist who smuggled guns to Ireland in his sailing yacht Asgard.
Erskine Childers' "The Riddle of the Sands" is a gripping tale of espionage and adventure set against the backdrop of the tense political climate in Europe leading up to World War I. Written in a mix of thriller and travelogue styles, the ...
The book, which enjoyed immense popularity in the years before World War I, is an early example of the espionage novel and was extremely influential in the genre of spy fiction.
The book, which enjoyed immense popularity in the years before World War I, is an early example of the espionage novel and was extremely influential in the genre of spy fiction.
The Riddle of the Sands: A Record of Secret Service is a 1903 novel by Erskine Childers, is an espionage novel, with a strong underlying theme of militarism.