The Reading Edge offers all the tools you need to help children become knowledgable, enthusiastic readers, including: * blending, word family, rhyming, and onset and rime strategies * word-attack skills that help children understand how the ...
"A wonderful collection of games, exercises, and activities to help students overcome their fear of public speaking and flourish in front of an audience" Cf. Our choice, 2002.
Ashley Lawrence announces to her third-grade class that she is going to be in a professional production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and suddenly she is the centre of attention.
I am currently a doctoral candidate at the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education, Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning in the final stages of writing my doctoral thesis.
Many students find public speaking intimidating, embrarrassing and threatening. In this practical book classroom teachers will discover a collection of ideas to help students overcome their fear of public speaking.
This case study describes the pilot study. The title "Twilight Zone" is taken from the 1960 American science fiction television series of the same name. In the television series, episode outcomes were often unexpected and unsettling.