Perceptive, realistic, and wise, the book is of enormous practical value to both women and men who aspire to more equal and fulfilling relationships."Laura Day, author of Practical Intuition
Featuring a Foreword by Dr. Bernie Siegel, this collection of more than 600 inspirational quotations that empower and enoble, offers courage and compassion, and is the first book to validate the emotional and spiritual needs of those ...
This book of uplifting and inspirational new role models for the millennium pairs lively 40 text profiles with stunning, intimate portraits. 90 photos, 50 in color.
Mentre la Applewhite descrive e stigmatizza l'ageismo, emergono nuovi modi di vedere e di essere nel mondo.» Laurie Anderson AGE PRIDE! È ORA DI AFFERMARE CHE LE DISCRIMINAZIONI NEI CONFRONTI DELLETÀ SONO NEGATIVE E INACCETTABILI. ...
This is a concise & informative A-Z of archaeological eras, objects, sites & technical terminology. It is an ideal reference guide for those who are fascinated by history & the way we used to live. A Brockhampton Press Reference book.