bibliogroup:"Legal Survival Guides" no
Thorough, to-the-point and low-cost, these books make understanding your rights simple by explaining lawyer-babble in clear, plain English.Legal Power! books are: -- Specific in scope, offering indepth information on single topics rather ...
bibliogroup:"Legal Survival Guides" no
Developed in the late 1800s in Illinois, land trusts provide many advantages for the principals, including privacy, a means of avoiding probate and an easy way to manage the property.This new edition is the only book on the market for the ...
bibliogroup:"Legal Survival Guides" no
Land Trusts in Floridais the only book on the market for the state of Florida that explains this all-around great tool in user-friendly detail.
bibliogroup:"Legal Survival Guides" no
Step-by-step guide for filing for divorce in all 50 states and the District of Columbia with forms.
bibliogroup:"Legal Survival Guides" no
This book will educate parents on their legal rights, and help them throughout the legal proceedings.
bibliogroup:"Legal Survival Guides" no
Explains Pennsylvania's landlord laws in simple language
bibliogroup:"Legal Survival Guides" no
A divorce can turn your life upside-down, both emotionally and financially. By using this guide through the complicated divorce process, you can protect yourself with knowledge of divorce laws and your legal rights.
bibliogroup:"Legal Survival Guides" no
This guide provides east-to-understand explanations of landlord/tenant law, as well as blank forms, flow charts, and examples from actual cases. Using this book can help save you money and avoid potential liabilities.
bibliogroup:"Legal Survival Guides" no
The Complete Guide to Forming Your Own Limited Liability Company in Florida Every business owner must be aware of the areas of potential risk-from violations of security laws to consumer lawsuits.
bibliogroup:"Legal Survival Guides" no
Simplifies and thoroughly explains everything you need to know to handle a divorce in Maryland, Virginia or in the District of Columbia