Nākotne ir pagātnes tagadne / Director
Krista Burāne
... Krista Burāne, mūzikas autors Edgars Rubenis, kostīmu māksliniece Inga Siliņa. Spēlē: Inese Pudža (Džuljeta), Ginta Andžāns (Romeo), Aigars Apinis (Aukle ...
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Krista Burane. Director: The Fairytale of Empty Space. Krista Burane is known for The Fairytale of Empty Space (2017), Mara (2014) and Piektais Hamlets ...
Date of Birth: 18.07.71. Place of Birth: Riga, Latvia. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY. 2007 – now Theatre and films director, editor, photographer, ...
I am creating theatre and film authorship works. I mostly work with documentaries and participatory performances, so my job is to create dramaturgical material.
I am an artist with the philosophy teacher and advertising art director background and I do different kind of works in different fields of culture ...
Krista Burāne is known as an Director, Writer, Editor, Producer, and Screenplay. Some of their work includes The Fairytale of Empty Space, Dust Fairies, ...
Log in · Sign up · Opens profile photo. Krista Burāne. @KristaBurane. Klejoju. Rīga Joined November 2009. 569 Following.
Lieliskas ziņas no Itālijas - Erica Liffredo un Krista Burāne filma DZĪVES TANGO, mūsu kopražojums ar B&BFilm, ir saņēmis labākās dokumetālās filmas balvu ...
Director, script writer, editor. Creative association "Nomadi". 2007 - Present 17 years. Riga. theatre and films, multidisciplinar art projects.