Mare’s Tail - Hippuris Vulgaris

Mare’s Tail - Hippuris Vulgaris | Submerged/Oxygenating Plants

Mare’s Tail - Hippuris Vulgaris

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Starts at: $5.96

Brand: DMF Gardens

SKU: 100300

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Hippuris vulgaris (Marestail) is an attractive native oxygenating plant of shallow water with whorls of bright green needle-like leaves.

The fascinating upright stems of evergreen foliage emerge from the water surface like little bottle brushes. Common Mare's Tail will happily spread in boggy soil or submerged in the margins of ponds. 

This attractive perennial is a useful addition to ponds, both improving the water quality and providing excellent cover for wildlife. 

Shipping size: 4" Square Pot - Approximate 6" Plant

Height and spread: 12"

 Zones 1 & 2


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