Erigeron acris

  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Common Name: bitter fleabane
  • Symbol: ERAC2
  • Description: Biennial or perennial 3-8 dm, hairy, or the lvs subglabrous; lowest lvs mostly oblanceolate, to 10 ?1.5 cm, the cauline ones smaller, narrowly lanceolate to ovate; heads several or many on arcuate or obliquely ascending peduncles; invol 5-12 mm, finely glandular and often hirsute, the bracts very narrow and long-attenuate; pistillate fls numerous, in several series, the outer with narrow and inconspicuous, pinkish to white, erect rays equaling or slightly exceeding the pappus, not over 5 ?0.5 mm; inner pistillate fls merely filiform-tubular, without rays; disk-fls usually fewer than the pistillate fls; pappus copious, simple or obscurely double.

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Image of Erigeron acris