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Lilium martagon

‘Painted Ladies’


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Lilium martagon ‘Painted Ladies’

Lilium martagon ‘Painted Ladies’ erupt with impressive, large branching stems.
Bedecked with a flock of exotic “Turk’s Caps” blooms in summer.

Wonderful range of colours

This is a mix of all the different jewel like colours of Martagon Lilies.
So you can get a range of colours from apricot, pink, wine-red, orange, yellow and white blooms, often purple spots.

Exotic pagados sweetly scented

The stacked spires of flowers are a superb garden feature, with their upturned petals like squadrons of pagoda roofs.
And their sweet scent is also unmissable.
Established plants of Lilium martagon ‘Painted Ladies’ can each bear scores of delightfully twirled flowers each late spring-early summer.

Hardy & easy woodland dweller

The gorgeous Turk’s Cap Lily is a stoloniferous bulb that returns happily each year bigger and better than ever, without any help from you except giving it the preferred deciduous woodland conditions.
You do not have to lift or divide them – instead just leave them alone to get on with it.

Feature under trees & shrubs

Lilium martagon ‘Painted Ladies’ is hardy and easy to grow when given it’s preferred position.
They love to grow in Part Shade, or where they get Morning Sun.
Lilium martagon naturally grows under deciduous trees, so they enjoy humus rich, well-drained soil, and really enjoy leaf litter or light mulch.

Frost hardy & water-wise

Turk’s Cap Lilies are extremely frost hardy.
And as they are dormant over summer they do not require a lot of additional watering – because they have gone to sleep before the hot weather arrives.

So Lilium martagon is a low maintenance treasure for gardens with deciduous trees or shrubs.

Impressive 1.2m High when in flower on slender upright, branched stems.


Sow in punnets indoors at any time.

INDOORS: First sow the seeds on their sides, in A punnet on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then barely cover the seeds with vermiculate /grit/sieved mix/sand.

Now keep the sown punnet moist in a well-lit position (not in direct sunlight) at temperatures around 18-20°C, for 4 weeks.

Then cling-wrap the moist sown punnet & place it in the fridge (not freezer) for 6-9 weeks.

After the period of chilling in the fridge, remove from fridge, unwrap the punnet & place it again in well lit-position at 18-20°C.

Seedlings emerge within approx. 30 days. But patience – do not discard punnet, as some seedlings may come later.

SEED COUNT: 5 seeds per pack. (Seeds are not commonly available)

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