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Achillea ptarmica

‘White Pearls’


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Achillea ptarmica ‘White Pearls’

Achillea ptarmica ‘White Pearls’ produces a dense mass of pure white double blooms, just like clouds of pearl buttons.
Hence the very apt common name of “White Pearls”.

Long blooming & great cut

These great billowing heads of bloom continue over spring, summer and autumn.
So it is always a feature in the garden.
Plus it provides armloads of excellent cut flowers, which last long in the vase.
Flowers can also be dried for use in long lasting pot-pourri, and as natural confetti.

Tough as nails

White Pearls Achillea is “Tough as Nails” easy, even in hard conditions.
So you can plant it in Full Sun to Part Shade (as long as the shade is not a damp spot) and it will thrive practically anywhere.
Plus it is hardy in heat, dry, frost, humidity, and poor soil – tough as nails.

Exceptionally low maintenance

Achillea ptarmica White Pearls is a hardy evergreen perennial.
Fortunately it is a clumping variety of Achillea, with no runners. So it is in no way invasive.
Although it is a very old garden favourite, White Pearls has never fallen victim to fashion or lost popularity.
Simply because it is so tough and easy, and generous with flowers.
White Pearls can be planted just about anywhere, thrives with little or no help, and is extremely low maintenance.

Rabbit, deer & frost resistant

Rabbits and deer find Achillea ptarmica distasteful because of the flavour and scent within the aromatic foliage.
And it is also extremely frost hardy.

Achillea White Pearls grows to approximately 60 high when in flower with its great billowing clouds of little buttons, and forms a dense evergreen clump of pretty lacy foliage to approximately 45cm. diameter.

Little work

The only maintenance is to shear the stems back to ground level when the heads of flowers are finished.
White Pearls may gently self sow nearby in the garden, but it is not invasive or a nuisance. It is easy to weed out any unwanted volunteer seedlings, or just share them with friends.

Suitable for kids and beginners 

Seeds can be successfully sown at any time of year.
You can simply scatter the seeds in the garden / or sow seeds in punnets indoors for early plants.

INDOORS: Scatter the seeds on the surface of good quality potting mix and press gently.
But do not cover the seeds as they need light to germinate.

Now place punnet in a warm, well lit place (not in direct sunlight).

Temperatures of 18-25C best for rapid and optimum germination.

Seedlings emerge in approximately 5-10 days.

SEED COUNT: Minimum 250 seeds per packet approximately.
(We aim to make our seed counts on the generous side – so you will receive at least 250 seeds)