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two small plants growing out of the rocks
Arcyria insignis
Arcyria oerstedii
two small white mushrooms on top of each other
two small brown objects sitting next to each other
a close up view of the inside of an animal's ear
bright pink corals on a log in the woods
Arcyria ferruginea
Arcyria ferruginea - Arcyria is a genus of phylum Amoebozoa ( amoeboid protozoa )
a small tree with red berries growing out of it's trunk
Arcyria denudata
Arcyria denudata ein kleines schleimpilz sträusschen ist wieder ein stack ,sie waren hier ca 3 mm groß
an orange bird sitting on top of a tree branch covered in ligty moss
small red mushrooms are arranged in rows on top of each other
slime mold
Arcyria ferruginea | by myriorama
an orange substance is in the middle of some sort of structure that looks like corals
three small trees with pink flowers growing out of the branches in front of a dark background
Arcyria insignis
Arcyria oerstedii
a stuffed animal is covered in plastic
a close up view of a mushroom like substance
two red flowers on a log in the woods
Arcyria Coroico 2014
Arcyria Coroico 2014
there is a small group of pink gummy bears on top of each other in the dirt
a group of little birds standing on top of a branch
Arcyria denudata
Arcyria denudata