The Gallbladder According To Chinese Medicine

The Gallbladder According To Chinese Medicine

Chinese: 胆      Pinyin: Dan

Summary: The Gallbladder's main function is to store Bile produced by the Liver and excrete it downwards to the Small Intestine to digest food. From this perspective, the Gallbladder's function is the same as in Western Medicine theory. Physiologically speaking, the Gallbladder rules decisions-making.

Classification: Fu Organ

Pharmacopoeia: View herbs that target the Gallbladder

Patterns: View patterns of disharmony that affect the Gallbladder

The functions of the Gallbladder

The Gallbladder's main function is to store Bile produced by the Liver and excrete it downwards to the Small Intestine to digest food. From this perspective, the Gallbladder's function is the same as in Western Medicine theory. The smooth flow of bile depends on Liver Qi. If the Qi is Stagnant, bile does not flow properly. It causes poor digestion and absorption, loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, and belching.

The Gallbladder is a unique Yang Organ. It doesn't deal directly with food, drinks, and their waste products, unlike other Yang Organs. It also doesn't open directly to the Exterior through the mouth, rectum, or urethra.

Physiologically speaking, the Gallbladder rules decision-making. It complements the Liver's ability to plan one's life. The two functions should coordinate harmonically so that people can plan and make decisions appropriately. The Gallbladder also gives people the initiative to be brave, determined and courageous to act on the decisions that are made.

Finally, alongside the Liver, the Gallbladder also controls our sinews with its Qi.

The functions of the Gallbladder

"It stores and excretes bile"

Bile is a bitter Body Fluid produced by the Liver and stored in the Gallbladder. It is then excreted downwards to the Small Intestine to assist with digestion when it is needed. From this perspective, the Gallbladder's function is the same as in Western Medicine theory.

Fu Organs (also called Yang Organs) typically deal directly with food, drinks, and their waste products, but the Gallbladder is an exception. It stores a clean Body Fluid, bile. It also doesn't open directly to the Exterior unlike other Fu Organs. Therefore the Gallbladder is considered a unique Organ.

"It is in charge of making decisions"

The Gall Bladder rules decision-making. It complements the Liver's ability to plan one's life. The two functions should coordinate harmonically so that people can plan and make decisions appropriately. It is also said that all other Organs depends on the Gallbladder's decision making ability.

The Gallbladder also gives people the initiative to be brave, determined and courageous to act on the decisions that are made. Therefore, disharmony in the Gallbladder can lead to timidity, indecisiveness, lack of drive or initiative to make decisions and being easily discouraged.

"It controls sinews"

The Gallbladder's function of controlling sinews is similar to the Liver's. The difference is that sinews are nourished by Liver Blood while the Gallbladder gives its Qi to make sure sinew move in a smooth and flexible way.