Introducing Cerasus Cherry IPA; an Adventure Series Gem

The Story behind the Name

Cerasus is the Greek name for the city that is today called Giresun on the Northern coast of Turkey. As a thriving Greek city, Cerasus was the location from which cherries were first exported from Turkey to the rest of Europe around 300 BC. Even today, Turkey remains the world leader in the production of cherries (roughly 535K tons a year). After the cherry arrived in Europe, it became a significant component of the diet for those living around the Mediterranean. Roman Legionnaires were especially fond of cherries. As they marched throughout the Roman Empire, the soldiers ate cherries and spit their pits to the side of the road. For hundreds of years after the fall of Rome, it was possible to identify where Roman roads were built by the preponderance of cherry trees beside the roads. 

Interesting facts about cherries:

·       There are over 1000 varieties of cherries in the world today

·       The record for spitting a cherry pit is an amazing 93 feet

·       Lore around George Washington chopping down a cherry tree and owning up to the action is false. There is no record of it ever happening.

 The Translation to our Beer

Cerasus Cherry IPA is an experimental New England style IPA infused with a mix of sweet and tart cherries. In contrast to traditional New England style IPA’s, Cerasus deviates from the citrus backbone characteristic of this style. Instead, we opted to experiment with the Idaho Gem hop and condition the beer on a layer of cherries. This Adventure Series brew is meant to share on a glorious fall night when you want a beer with a flavor punch. Cheers!

Sherri Johnson