About fritillaries

Text and photos Ave Liivamagi
Translation: Liis
Scarce fritillary: top side and underside
Scarce fritillary       Suur-mosaiikliblikas      Euphydryas maturna
Marsh fritillary     Teelehe-mosaiikliblikas    Euphydryas aurinia
On forest roads and clearings and in meadows the fritillaries can be seen now; their flight period is in full swing. These butterflies differ from other similar-looking species (mainly Melitaea species) by the more colourful pattern on the upper side of the wings which is truly a mosaic
The upper surface of the wings of the scarce fritillary has a pattern in contrasting reddish brown, ochre yellow and black. The basic colour of the underside is lighter reddish brown accented with light yellow patches with a darker outline. The caterpillars of the species feed on several kinds of trees and shrubs such as ash, aspen and honeysuckle.
Marsh fritillary
The upper surface of the wings of the marsh fritillary has the same colours as that of the scarce fritillary but in clearly brighter shades. A characteristic feature is the black dots located on the hind wings, also visible on the underside of the wings. The caterpillars of the scarce fritillary feed mainly on devil’s-bit scabious (Succisa pratensis) and plantains (Plantago).
The scarce fritillary as well as the marsh fritillary are Category III protected species.




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