Astrology and business
Astrology and business (AI pic)

Astrology and business

Astrology is big business. And it's getting bigger.

Would you trust an astrologer to give you the best date to close a business deal? Neither would I!

But in India, many entrepreneurs consult an astrologer before making any kind of business decision. Couples thinking about marriage (another kind of business deal!) visit an astrologer to find out if they are 'aligned'. It seems that 'compatibility' is something you calculate, not an emotional feeling. In 2020, another kind of calculation valued the astrology market in India at close to $3 billion.

The Indian spiritual and religious market together is valued at over $40 billion.

The horoscopes market is worth $10 billion, with approximately 2 million astrologers practising their craft.

But is astrology a 'science' or a scam?

'Astrology' derives from the Greek word 'astrologia,' meaning 'the science of the stars.'

Many apparently rational people believe that the position of the stars and other heavenly bodies at an individual's date of birth, time, and place significantly impact one's life. If so, then 'free will' is an illusion because our lives are already 'written in the stars'. Fatalism and free will are at opposite ends of the decision-making process. Astrology's adherents claim it is a 4000-year-old science, referring to it as the "mother of all sciences."

But why do people believe in predictions based on celestial events?

We are curious creatures. We would like to know about future career prospects, relationships and financial matters. Astrology appears to mix expertise, hopes and mystery – an intriguing combination. Also, astrology implies that we are all unique. Each one of us will experience specific lifetime events decided by the Universe.

And now, automated Fate!

Software tools and apps for the phone have made astrology accessible online, accelerating growth.

Entrepreneurs and investors recognize the demand for astrological 'services' and are investing heavily.

Astrology services include personalized horoscopes, birth chart analysis, compatibility readings, and guidance for important life decisions.

In summary, astrology is not just a popular myth; it's a lucrative reality that continues to evolve with technological advances and increased public interest. Whether one believes in its accuracy or not, astrology remains a thriving business in India and beyond.

What is the most important astrological advice given in Indian history?

When Britain transferred political power to the Indian government on 3rd of June, 1947, the date for the transfer was chosen by an astrologer!

Astrology - Myth or Reality? - Business World

__________________ oOo ________________

TEFL & ESL teachers are welcome to download this text and use the exercises for their classes. A recording of the text in authentic British English is available on request. Your students will think you're really cool!

Astrology – the business

The astrology business is growing, particularly in India. Many Indian entrepreneurs and young couples consult astrologers for business decisions and marital compatibility. The astrology market in India was valued at nearly $3 billion in 2020, making it a significant industry. However, there is a debate about whether astrology is 'science' or 'a scam', with many people believing that celestial events significantly influence one's life. Also, the accessibility of astrology through software tools and apps is leading to more investment in astrology services. Despite varying beliefs in its accuracy, astrology remains a thriving and evolving business in India and beyond. There is also an interesting historical anecdote where an astrologer was consulted to choose the best date for Britain's transfer of political power to the Indian government in 1947.

________________ oOo _________________

Question forms: The bolded words are the answers, but what are the questions?

For example: Where, in particular, is the astrology business growing? India

Answer key to question forms

What do many Indian entrepreneurs and couples consult astrologers for?

What was the astrology market in India valued at in 2020? Or/ How much was the …...?

What is the accessibility of astrology through software tools and apps also leading to?

Who was consulted to choose the best date for Britain's transfer of political power to the Indian government in 1947? (Subject question – no need for an auxiliary verb!)

Exercise 1: Vocabulary and comprehension. Read the following sentences from the text and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:

a. The as_____________ business is expanding, especially in India.

b. Many Indian en______________ and couples seek advice from astrologers for their business decisions and ma__________ compatibility.

c. The astrology market in India was va__________ at nearly $3 billion in 2020, indicating its significance as an in____________________.

d. There is an ongoing de____________ about whether astrology can be considered a '_sc___________' or simply 'a scam'.

e. Some individuals believe that ce______________ events have a substantial impact on a person's life.

Exercise 2: True or False: Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

a. The astrology market in India was valued at approximately $3.5 billion in 2020.

b. Astrology is only popular in India and has no global presence.

c. The accessibility of astrology through software tools and apps is leading to increased investment in astrology services.

d. Everyone agrees on whether astrology is a science or a scam.

e. The text mentions that an astrologer was consulted to select the date for transferring political power from Britain to the Indian government in 1947.

Exercise 3: Discussion and Debate.

Imagine you are an entrepreneur considering investing in the astrology industry. What types of astrology services or products would you develop to capture the growing market?

Many thanks to my 161 subscribers!

Nina Pivirotto

Versatile Creative Force | Passionate about elevating brands & connecting people in the beauty industry.


I agree that traditional Vedic astrologers have a habit of dulling down a persons free will (& truthfully nothing irritates me more), however Astrology is a part science part spiritual system that has a few ways of being read. Western astrologers, or Evolutionary astrologers, encourage a person to utilize their free will in tandem with the natural world. By observing the rhythm of human events against the pulse of the cosmos Astrologers have discovered undeniable relationships between us & the universe we live in….why is that something to dismiss? Understandably no mater how much data one produces to encourage confidence, an Astrologer cannot guarantee that just because you were born with Jupiter (the planet influencing abundance) in your second house of value, you’ll be rich in all of the ways you desire to be. No, you would have to exercise your free will & work for it. We cannot isolate the Astrology being practiced in India as the only type of Astrology that exists. Just as we cannot compartmentalize the religion of one culture as the only way to practice faith. Astrology is a complex system but at its core it’s a source of connection between humans and the natural world we live in, & that is something to celebrate.

David Turner

Director at SIA School Improvement Associates


A great read


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