White Stork Ciconia ciconia

White Stork


The white stork is one of the biggest representatives of herons in general. The white stork builds one of the biggest nests in the bird world. Every year, they returns to their old nests, which they then upgrade and resulting in them weighing up to one ton.

Species Bird
Living space Lake, Rivers, Swamp
Size 95 -110 cm
Weight 2,3 -4,5 kg


Their feathers are wholly white, however, we can distinguish them from other white herons by their orange beaks and dark legs. The white stork is carnivorous and feeds with live prey. They love fish though they also hunt for frogs, snakes, snails and earthworms in the floodplain meadows as well as, from June to July, feeding on insects in dry mown meadows. They are migrant birds that come to Slovenia to its nesting place in the spring before flying south from their summer breeding grounds in August and September. They can fly up to 10,000 km in one direction within three weeks. White storks mate for life and produce one litter per year.

White Stork

on the habitat Temenica

They can be seen between April and October. One nest has been spotted in the village of Prečna.

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