Badhamia utricularis

Badhamia utricularis

Badhamia utricularis is a slime mold from the family Physaridae.
Slime mold. Found this one on a dead beech, it starts as a plasmodia, and ends as minature grapes. (gray-blue) Badhamia utricularis,Geotagged,Netherlands


SPORANGIA: subglobose or obovoid, 0.5 to 1 mm. diam., free, confluent and lobed, or clustered, sometimes sessile, usually on clustered, often long, branching, straw-colored, membranous stalks, cinereous or iridescent violet and veined with white.

HYPOTHALLUS: dull red, inconspicuous.

STALK: pallid, yellowish or tawny, weak, branched, often prostrate

PERIDIUM: iridescent, hyaline, with sparsely distributed minute granules of lime.

CAPILLITIUM: a network of fiat bands with broad, thin expansions at the angles, evenly and sparsely charged with white lime-granules. Spore-mass dull blackish brown.

SPORES: Bright brown or violet-brown, adhering in loose clusters of 7 to 10, spinulose, 9-12 µm in diameter.

PLASMODIUM: Chrome-yellow.
Myxogastria (Badhamia utricularis) Looking like a layer of fuzz at first sight, this slime mold was growing on the underside of a very damp eucalyptus log. The individual structures were not discernible so it was a wonderful surprise when I could view them in the photos  later.
The filamentous structures were about 10 mm long and hanging at the ends were clusters of purplish sporangia with white dusting of lime on the outer surface. the sporangia (spore sacs) would have been about .5 to 1 mm in diameter.
The stiff whitish hairs on the wood are pin mold (fungus) and not related to slime mold.

Some of the photo is unclear, sorry about that - I had great difficulty getting access to the slime mold and was totally sodden and covered by small leeches by the time I finished photographing them.
This was a wonderful and lucky find for me and I wonder if I'll ever see this again ! Australia,Badhamia utricularis,Geotagged,Summer


On dead wood and bark


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SpeciesBadhamia utricularis