Red-tailed Mason Bee

Osmia bicolor

"Osmia bicolor" is a Palearctic species of bee in the genus "Osmia". It is outstanding amongst other megachilid bees in that it nests in empty snail shells.
Red-tailed Mason Bee (Osmia bicolor) I featured this nationally rare and notable species of bee quite recently, with a little information and a third-party video.

However, after spotting a female in mid-air with debris, I carefully followed her flight path to find her putting the last few pieces of a protective cover over her recently completed snail-shell nest.

It took a while but I eventually found a suitable angle to film events without disturbing her, the results of which you can watch below, accompanied by a much more detailed commentary.

This was a special afternoon.
                           Geotagged,Osmia bicolor,Red-tailed Mason Bee,Spring,United Kingdom


"Osmia bicolor" females are small bees, 12 mm in length, with a black head and thorax and an abdomen covered in bright ginger hair. In the males the ginger colour of the abdomen is less intense.
Red-tailed Mason Bee (Osmia bicolor) An early season Mason be, seen from March to July, it's easily confused with the Red Mason Bee (Osmia bicornis) which I believed it was when I took the photo. 

This is a male, and as you can see, it's not too dissimilar.

The female O. bicolor is both more distinctive with a black head and thorax, and an abdomen of deep crimson red and truly fascinating.

She creates her nest in empty snail shells, into which, once she's turned the shell over and over to inspect it for suitability, she builds up to to 4 or 5 individual cells, using chewed leaves, particles of earth, and chalk (or similar) to divide them.

Once completed, she then disguises the shell by covering it with twigs and other debris.

This is not my video, but it's a must watch, to see how she does this:
                        Geotagged,Osmia bicolor,Spring,United Kingdom


"Osmia bicolor" is found in Europe and western Asia from southern Great Britain in the west east to Turkestan, it is found as far north as southern Scandinavia and Finland, and south as far as Spain and Romania.


"Osmia bicolor" is classified as a nationally notable species in Britain, although it is classified a Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and European Commission.


It occurs in grasslands and open deciduous woodland over calcareous soils underlain by rocks such as limestone and chalk.


Some text fragments are auto parsed from Wikipedia.

SpeciesO. bicolor
Photographed in
United Kingdom