Coxcomb Prominent

Ptilodon capucina

The Coxcomb Prominent is a moth of the family Notodontidae. It is a common species throughout Europe.

This species has brown forewings, varying considerably in tone, with indistinct darker markings. The hindwings are buffish with a black spot at the tornus. At rest, the species has a very distinctive profile with tufts of hairs protruding upwards from the thorax and the hind edge of the forewings . The margins of the forewings are also wavy. This rather "lumpy" appearance has led to the rather fanciful comparison to the comb on a cock's head. Two broods are produced each year with adults on the wing in May and June and again in August and September . This moth flies at night and is attracted to light.

The larva is green or brown with a yellow stripe down each side and two red humps at the rear end. It is polyphagous and feeds on a wide variety of deciduous trees and shrubs . The species overwinters as a pupa.

# ^ ''The flight season refers to the British Isles. This may vary in other parts of the range.''
The Coxcomb prominent (caterpillar) Meerdaelbos, Oud-Heverlee, Belgium. Oct 1, 2016. Belgium,Coxcomb Prominent,Fall,Geotagged,Ptilodon capucina


*''Acer'' - Norway Maple
⤷ ''Alnus'' - Alder
⤷ ''Betula'' - Birch
⤷ ''Crataegus'' - Hawthorn
⤷ ''Malus'' - Apple
⤷ ''Populus'' - Poplar
⤷ ''Prunus'' - Bird Cherry
⤷ ''Quercus'' - Pedunculate Oak
⤷ ''Rosa'' - Rose
⤷ ''Salix'' - Willow
⤷ ''Sorbus'' - Rowan
⤷ ''Tilia'' - Lime
⤷ ''Ulmus'' - European White Elm


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SpeciesP. capucina
Photographed in