Geneva bugleweed

Ajuga genevensis

''Ajuga genevensis'' is a herbaceous flowering plant native to Europe. It is less common than its relative, ''Ajuga reptans'' .
Ajuga genevensis  Ajuga genevensis,Flora,Macro,Plants,Wildflowers,bloom


''Ajuga genevensis'' is a perennial plant growing to a height of between 10 and 30 cm. Evergreen, it has long-stalked, obovate, basal leaves which are shallowly lobed or toothed.

It has an upright stem with flowers arranged in dense, terminal, spike-like inflorescences. The flowers are usually violet-blue, though can be pink or white, and the uppermost flowers are often flushed with blue. When pink, it is sometimes known as "pink beauty", and when white, it is sometimes known as "alba". The flowers have short upper-lips with protruding stamens and pistil. The plant sometimes suffers from ''Erysiphe biocellata'', a type of mildew.


''Ajuga genevensis'' are found on the edges of dry woods, as well as in thickets and grasslands. It is found at various locations around Europe including Sweden, France, Italy, Britain and from Macedonia to Caucasia. It can also be found growing wild in North America as a result of seeds that have escaped from gardens. It is used as an ornamental plant in gardens worldwide, where it used in edges due to its slower spread compared with ''A. reptans''.


''Ajuga genevensis ''herb has been used in the traditional Austrian medicine internally as tea for treatment of disorders related with the respiratory tract.


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SpeciesA. genevensis
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