Trichia botrytis - a slime mould

Trichia botrytis - a slime mould

Observation - Trichia botrytis - a slime mould - UK and Ireland. Description: Found with four other slimes on a fallen oak branch in mixed woodland. When found it had reddish-ora

Found with four other slimes on a fallen oak branch in mixed woodland.
When found it had reddish-orange 1-2mm fruit bodies and could have been taken for Trichia decipiens, but some were twice the size of others and they were unevenly spaced. Sadly my photos were useless.
Photo 2 shows them the following day - the big one got squashed in transit and didn't develop. The stems are coloured inside, unlike T decipiens.
Photo 3 shows the most characteristic stage, turning brown with paler lines on the skin where it will split to release the spores.
Photos 1 and 4 show ripe ones spreading their ochre-coloured spores.
The spores are warty, 10-11 microns across.
The threads that spread the spores are a marvel of nature. They twist and untwist to move as the humidity changes - so you can't breathe while taking pictures!