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Insects of Britain and Ireland: orders

L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz



Adult insects. Predatory, phytophagous, saprophagous, consuming stored produce, and mycophagous. Small to medium sized; with hardened ‘elytra’ (q.v.), representing the fore-wings; capable of flight; with one pair of propellant wings (the hindwings). Body dorsiventrally flattened. Head prognathous. Mouthparts well developed; of the biting type; not piercing; more or less conforming to the generalized biting type (the mandibles usually with two apical teeth, and parts of the maxillae much divided). Antennae conspicuous; simple; 15–35 segmented (‘many-segmented’). Ocelli 0. Wings four; markedly differently textured in the two pairs. Fore-wings leathery (comprising short elytra). Hind-wings larger than the fore-wings (when opened); much markedly broader than the fore-wings; folded in repose (folding under the small elytra). Wings with few cross-veins; more or less naked. Wings of the resting insect closed and directed backwards. Tarsi 3 segmented. Abdomen conspicuously appendaged at the rear; furnished with very large, paired, pincer-like appendages; with cerci clearly visible at its tip (represented by the much enlarged, characteristic ‘pincers’, which are sometimes used to capture prey); apparently 10 segmented (males), or 8 segmented (females, where terga and sterna of 8 and 9 are reduced, and fused to tergum 10).

Larvae. Larvae with three pairs of segmented thoracic legs; without ventral abdominal prolegs. Development of larva into adult gradual; exopterygote; not involving a pupal stage.

Classification. Subclass Pterygota; Division Exopterygota.

British representation. Anisolabidae, Forficulidae, Labiduridae, Labiidae; genera 7 (Anisolabis (casually introduced), Apterigida, Euborellia, Forficula, Labia, Labidura, Marava); 8 species.

General comments. The hind-wings are characteristically rounded, with with radiate venation. The eggs are deposited in the soil in a group, and the female sits over them and guards them and the newly hatched young until they can look after themselves, gathering them together again if they become separated.

Illustrations. • Apterygia, Euborellia, Forficula, Morava (Lucas). 1–3, Euborellia annulipes (Ring-legged Earwig): 1 and 2, female and antenna; 3, callipers of male. 4, Marava arachidis (Bone-house Earwig), adult male. 5 and 6, Forficula lesnei (Lesne's Earwig), adult male and callipers of female. 7, Apterygia media (Short-winged or Hop-garden Earwig), adult male. From Lucas (1920), with 1cm scale for the complete insects. • The British Earwigs (Burr). LABIDUROIDEA-Labiduridae. 1 and 1a, Labidura riparia, male and forceps of female (extinct?); 2 and 2a, Anisolabis maritima (male and forceps of female: introduced, occasionally persisting); 3, Anisolabis annulipes (female). FORFICULOIDEA-Labiidae. 4, Labia minor, male; 8 and 8a, Marava arachidis, male, and forceps of female. FORFICULOIDEA-Forficulidae. 5, Forficula auricularia (male), with forceps of a small male (5a), forceps of female (5b), and wing expanded (5c); 6, Forficula lesnei (male); 7, Apterygida albipennis, male and (7a) forceps of female. S.L. Mosely's plate, from Burr (1897: scales include pincers). • Forficula auricularia, as F. borealis (Northern Earwig). B. Ent 560. • F. auricularia, as F. borealis (detail). B. Ent 560. • <@subject Forficula auricularia, as F. borealis (detail). B. Ent 560> : B. Ent 560). • Forficula auricularia, and forceps of other Forficulidae: Stephens VI, 1835. The Stephens portrayal of Forficula forcipata (4, = F. auricularia) is accompanied by confusing representations of the forceps of assorted Forficulidae, labelled on the plate as follows (modern nomenclature in parentheses). 1, Forficula auricularia; 2, Forficula media (= Apterygidia albipennis); 3, Forficula borealis (= F. auricularia?); 5, Chelidura albipennis (= Apterygidia albipennis?). From Stephens vol. XI, 1835. • Labidura riparia (Lucas). Labidura riparia (Giant or Tawny Earwig), male (1) and female. From Lucas (1920), with the approximate insect lengths including callipers. • Earwig, adult (left) and larva (Lubbock 1890).

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Cite this publication as: ‘Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 2003 onwards. Insects of Britain and Ireland: orders. Version: 14th April 2022.’.
