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Insects of Britain and Ireland: the families of Diptera

L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz


Excluding Scatopsidae


Adult insects. Small; slender-bodied to robustly-built; hairy bodied; not stilt-legged. Antennae short, 8–16 segmented (the segments stout and closely set); short and stout; ‘simple’ (usually shorter than the thorax); not aristate. Ocelli present; 3. Eyes asymmetric, nearly or quite connected above the antennae (often, in males), or rounded, well separated. The maxillary palps 3–5 segmented; drooping. Vibrissae absent. Wing veins reaching the margin 5–8 (? -fewer than 9). Wings without a discal cell; without a sub-apical cell; without a closed anal cell. The costa extending around the entire wing, or not extending around the entire wing. Sub-costa apparent; terminating blind. The leading edge veins markedly stronger than the rest. Wing vein 7 present; falling short of the wing margin. Wings with the lower calypter much reduced or absent. Tibiae spurred (front tibiae with apical large, strong spurs or circlets of spines). Feet with a triple pad beneath the tarsal claws, or without a triple pad (?). Neither parasitic nor predatory (pollinators).

Larvae and pupae. The larvae terrestrial; phytophagous, or saprophagous (in decaying vegetation, in soil); eucephalic. The pupae without a puparium.

Comments. Usually dark, hairy flies, “of rather grotesque appearance”.

Classification. Suborder Nematocera; Division Bibionomorpha; Superfamily Bibionoidea.

British representation. 20 species in Britain. Genera 2; Bibio, Dilophus.

Illustrations. • Bibio venosus (Veined Crane-fly: B. Ent. 138). • Bibio venosus (detail: B. Ent. 138). • Bibio venosus (dissections: B. Ent. 138). • Bibio venosus (B. Ent. 138, legend+text). • Bibio venosus (B. Ent. 138, text cont.). • Dilophus febrilis (from Walker). Dilophus febrilis: 4, female; 4a, head of male; 4b, palp of male; 4c, antenna of male; 4d, anterior tibia and tarsus; 4e, apex of anterior tarsus, with claws and pulvilli. From Walker (1856, Plate XXIV), with 2mm scale added. • Bibio marci (from Walker). 3a-3c, Bibio marci, female: details of head (3a), antenna (3b), wing (3c), and fore-leg (3d). 5, Bibio marci, male. From Walker (1856, Plates XXIV and XXIX), with approximate length of the male insect (front of head to tip of abdomen) added.

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Cite this publication as: ‘Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 2003 onwards. Insects of Britain and Ireland: the families of Diptera. Version: 14th April 2022.’.
