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Insects of Britain and Ireland

L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz

Melanism exemplified in moths of Britain and Ireland


Arctiidae image

1–3, Spilosoma lutea (Buff Ermine): normal forms (Figs. 1–2) and the non-industrial melanic ab. fasciata (Fig. 3).

4, Spilosoma lubricepida (White Ermine; normal form. For the non-industrial melanic ab. walkeri, see Curtis’s illustration, B. Ent. 92.

5–6, Diaphora mendica (Muslin Moth), female (left) and male (right): sex-linked, non-industrial melanism predominant among the males.

Figs. 1–2, 4 and 5–6 from Leek, Staffs., 1950s (L. Watson). Fig. 3 from Bexley, Kent, June 1908, collector unknown.

Arctiidae image

Spilosoma lubricepida ab. walkeri Curtis, B. Ent. 92. Variety representing non-industrial melanism: contrast with Fig. 4.

Revised 11 May 2019

Melanism in moths – general information