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The families of mushrooms and toadstools represented in Britain and Ireland

L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz


Coriolaceae p.p.

Morphology. The fruit-bodies producing basidia and basidiospores; persistent; clustered; attached laterally and bracket-shaped (somewhat stipitate, corky, the brown cap zoned, the flesh also brown); medium sized to large; 3–6 cm across; dark reddish-brown, or dark brown. The hymenium ostensibly borne on gills (these very irregularly forked and interrupted, e.g. in G. sepiarium), or ribbed. The gills in such as G. sepiarium atypical, rather obviously representing laterally flattened and radially elongated pores or cupules. The edges of the gills not split longitudinally. The hymenial layer not readily separable from the supporting flesh. Cystidia present, or absent (absent from G. sepiarium). The basidia ‘unmodified’. The basidiospores cylindric, in G. sepiarium white and slightly curved; hyaline, or white.

The hyphal walls lamellate, with a thin, electron-dense outer layer and a relatively thick, electron-transparent inner layer. The hyphae dimitic. The generative hyphae not inflated.

Ecology. Saprophytic. The fruit-bodies on dead wood; on dead trees and fallen logs and on stored and construction timber (G. sepiarium causing serious decay of coniferous timber in the open, rarely also in houses).

Representation in Britain and Ireland. 4 species in Britain; Gloeophyllum.

World representation. 9 species; genera 1. “Widespread”.

Classification. Basidiomycota; Basidiomycetes; Agaricomycetidae; Polyporales.

Illustrations. • Gloeophyllum sepiarium (LH). GLOEOPHYLLACEAE. Gloeophyllum sepiarium. Sunesen & Dahlstrøm, in Lange & Hora (1965). • Gloeophyllum abietinum and G. carbonarium. GLOEOPHYLLACEAE. 1, Gloeophyllum abietinum; 2, Gloeophyllum carbonarium. From MycoKey (2006).

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Cite this publication as: ‘Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 2008 onwards. The families of mushrooms and toadstools represented in Britain and Ireland. Version: 5th August 2019.’.
