
[Allantinae], [Blennocampinae, Heterarthrinae], [Nematinae], [Selandriinae], Tenthredininae,
[Larvae], [Wings]

Subfamily Tenthredininae

Aglaostigma aucupariae

Aglaostigma fulvipes

Aglaostigma langei

Aglaostigma lichtwardti

Macrophya albicincta

Macrophya alboannulata

Macrophya annulata

Macrophya blanda

Macrophya carinthiaca

Macrophya montana

Macrophya punctumalbum

Macrophya ribis

Macrophya sanguinolenta

Pachyprotasis antennata

Pachyprotasis rapae

Pachyprotasis simulans

Rhogogaster chlorosoma

Rhogogaster genistae

Rhogogaster picta

Rhogogaster punctulata

Rhogogaster viridis

Sciapteryx consobrina

Tenthredo algoviensis

Tenthredo amoena

Tenthredo arcuata

Tenthredo atra

Tenthredo balteata

Tenthredo bifasciata

Tenthredo bipunctula

Tenthredo brevicornis

Tenthredo campestris

Tenthredo colon

Tenthredo distinguenda

Tenthredo ferruginea

Tenthredo koehleri

Tenthredo livida

Tenthredo maculata

Tenthredo mesomela

Tenthredo mioceras

Tenthredo moniliata

Tenthredo neobesa

Tenthredo notha

Tenthredo obsoleta

Tenthredo omissa

Tenthredo procera

Tenthredo pyrenaea

Tenthredo rubricoxis

Tenthredo schaefferi

Tenthredo scrophulariae

Tenthredo temula

Tenthredo vespa

Tenthredo zonula

Tenthredopsis coquebertii

Tenthredopsis friesei

Tenthredopsis lactiflua

Tenthredopsis litterata

Tenthredopsis nassata

Tenthredopsis ornata

Tenthredopsis scutellaris

Tenthredopsis sordida

Tenthredopsis stigma

Tenthredopsis tessellata

Tenthredopsis tischbeinii

[Allantinae], [Blennocampinae, Heterarthrinae], [Nematinae], [Selandriinae], Tenthredininae,
[Larvae], [Wings]

Identification Keys

Possible Parasites:
Leptus trimaculatus Nymph
Possible Parasitoids:

Many Ichneumonidae Larvae

Several Braconidae Larvae

Several Tachinidae Larvae
Possible Predators:

Formica polyctena

Formica rufa

Odynerus reniformis

Picromerus bidens

Blepharidopterus angulatus

Dasysyrphus tricinctus Larva

Pictures © 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 J.K. Lindsey



Please report errors to jklindsey@protonmail.com

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