Large Chequered Skipper (Heteropterus morpheus)

Male. Taken in the Brenne, France on June 24th 2009.
(1/200th sec at f14. © David Hastings)

Male underside. Taken in the Brenne, France on June 26th 2009.
(1/60th sec at f13. © David Hastings)


Family: Hesperiidae

Wing span: 32 - 38mm

The Large Chequered Skipper has dark brown upper surfaces with a few small whiteish spots. The underside is yellowish with large black-bordered white spots. The sexes are similar.

It is found in western France and eastern Europe, with small populations in northern Spain and Holland/Belgium.

It is found along shady roads and in woodland clearings where the soil is damp.

Adults are on the wing in late June and July. The larva is the over-wintering stage.

The primary larval foodplant is Purple Moor-grass (Molinia caerulea).

This butterfly has a distinctive flight, which consists of a series of 'hops' or 'bounces' low over the ground, making identification possible from a distance.


28-Jun-2010 : Pinail, Vienne, France
26-Jun-2010 : The Brenne, Loire Valley, France
24-Jun-2010 : The Brenne, Loire Valley, France