Taxon profile


Feathered Gothic
Tholera decimalis (Poda, 1761)

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Arthropoda - arthropods »  class Insecta - insects »  order Lepidoptera - butterflies and moths »  family Noctuidae - owlet moths »  genus Tholera

Scientific synonyms

Phalaena decimalis Poda, 1761 o
Tholera amarginata Schawerda, 1927
Tholera graminis Denis & Schiffermüller, 1776
Tholera grisescens Van Wisselingh, 1963
Tholera largomarginata Bryk, 1951
Tholera lolii Esper, 1785
Heliophobus lolii Esper, 1792
Bombyx lolii Esper, 1792
Tholera nervosa Zerny, 1927
Tholera popularis Fabricius, 1775


Tholera decimalis - Feathered Gothic


Author: George Dvorsky

Tholera decimalis - Feathered Gothic


Author: Miroslav Deml

Tholera decimalis - Feathered Gothic

Author: Jiří Máca

Tholera decimalis - Feathered Gothic

Author: Miroslav Deml

Tholera decimalis - Feathered Gothic

Author: Andrej Makara

Tholera decimalis - Feathered Gothic


Author: Jiří Máca

Tholera decimalis - Feathered Gothic

Author: Mgr. František ŠARŽÍK

Taxon in country check-lists*

* List of countries might not be complete


Included taxa

Number of records: 3

subspecies Tholera decimalis chebka Rungs, 1941
subspecies Tholera decimalis decimalis (Poda, 1761)
subspecies Tholera decimalis nervosa Zerny, 1927

Links and literature

CZ EN Laštůvka Z., Liška J.: Checklist of Lepidoptera of the Czech Republic [] [as Tholera decimalis (Poda, 1761)]
Data retrieved on: 28 February 2009
EN de Jong, Y.S.D.M. (ed.): Fauna Europaea 2.4 [] [as Tholera decimalis (Poda, 1761)]
Data retrieved on: 9 March 2012

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o original combination