Taxon profile


Gaurotes virginea thalassina (Schrank, 1781)

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Arthropoda - arthropods »  class Insecta - insects »  order Coleoptera - beetles »  family Cerambycidae - longhorn beetles »  genus Gaurotes »  species Gaurotes virginea

Scientific synonyms

Leptura thalassina Schrank, 1781 o
Carilia virginea m. thalassina (Schrank) Villiers, 1978
Gaurotes (Carilia) virginea thalassina (Schrank, 1781)
Gaurotes virginea ab. brunnipes Podaný, 1962
Gaurotes virginea ab. nigromarginata Podaný, 1962
Carilia virginea m. thalassina var. podanyi Villiers, 1978
Gaurotes virginea ab. pulchra Podaný, 1962
Gaurotes virginea ab. schmidti Podaný, 1962


Gaurotes virginea thalassina

Author: Ivan Šnajdr

Gaurotes virginea thalassina

Author: Josef Němec

Gaurotes virginea thalassina


Author: Jakub Rom

Gaurotes virginea thalassina

Author: Josef Němec

Gaurotes virginea thalassina

Author: Josef Němec

Gaurotes virginea thalassina

Author: Josef Němec

Gaurotes virginea thalassina

Author: Josef Němec

Taxon in country check-lists*

* List of countries might not be complete

Intertaxon relationships

food: Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. - Norway Spruce

Links and literature

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o original combination

i species introduced to area described by check-list

? disputed occurrence of species in area described by check-list