Plants: Magnolia x soulangeana 'Alexandrina' - saucer magnolia

Posted by 08.04. 2008 08:30:10 (54300 readers)

Magnolia x soulangeana 'Alexandrina' - saucer magnolia

Alexandrina is a very popular variety of saucer magnolia. Thanks to the rich colour of outer petals it is rated commercially best-selling saucer magnolia. The flowers are upto 10 cm across, white inside, flushed deep pink and purple outside, with a lovely fragrance.

Deciduous leaves are rather obovate with a notable tip, medium sized, mid to dark green. It grows moderately, 5-6m tall and 3-4m wide. This variety has a more upright habit than the species which makes it ideal for standard tree forms.

Magnolias are not supposed to be pruned. You can prune old shrubs if ill, or trim them to shape or to reduce size, or make an elementary cut to young plants of unsightly or unhealthy appearance. Do this as soon as possible after flowering to secure setting of flower buds for the following year. Be aware that each magnolia can respond differently to pruning.

Deciduous magnolias are quite easy plants. All they need is light, well-drained, acidic soil with equal moisture throughout the year. Once established they can do with occasional drought but will not look as nice as the ones with regular watering. Just pay attention to how to plant your magnolia. First, find it a spot where it will live forever and ever. It does not like transplanting. And as it makes shallow roots reaching well over its spread stay away from disturbing the roots by digging or messing about around it. Just cover the soil with bark mulch and do not plant anything else near it after say the second year after planting onwards. You could damage the very important top roots that absorb maximum moisture and nutrients from the soil. Also avoid planting magnolia too deep. Thus you could be digging its grave. It is fully hardy to USDA zone 5. Just make sure it is not in a too exposed windy area. We still recommend mulching it well to keep it moist in any season.
Milan Havlis, Specializované zahradnictví
Chlumec 23, 382 32 Velešín, Czech republic

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